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Instyle Realty is proud to offer clients the services of Bruce Tame

InStyle Realty Award-Winning Agents Bruce Tame & Tina Leveridge. With their experience, expertise, and knowledge of the local market, Bruce and Tina can help you sell your home or investment property.


Real estate has changed over the years. Our first impression of a new home comes from a digital photograph or video of a property. InStyle Realty makes your property stand out and make potential buyers stop scrolling and engage with your property.

First impressions happen the moment a potential buyer walks through your door. We design our homes to give that WOW factor with a fresh new look that may even surprise you.


Getting the best result for our clients.

A properly presented property not only gets more engagement on digital platforms like and social media, but directly impacts the overall value and final selling price. When designing your home, we aim to have the person see themselves living there and fulfilling their own needs. 


This means having a great understanding of your potential buyers. If a young family is likely to buy your home, we will bring elements of a young family to show the home suits their needs, and visualises them living there.

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